

Untrusted Scripts

Don't run scripts unless you trust the developer or have verified the source code. Scripts that may appear on the store have been verified and are safe to use.

Installing Scripts

Scripts can be installed by simply placing a script with the .lua extension into the Scripting Folder. User created scripts can be found in our Discord, some may even appear on the store.

Join Discord

Loading Scripts

Scripts can be loaded by navigating to the following location in the menu.

Scripting → Load Script

Using Scripts

Once a script has been loaded, you can access it's features by navigating to the following locations in the menu.

Scripting → Script Name

Network → Players → Player Name → Scripts → Script Name


Scripting Folder

This folder is where you can place scripts with the .lua extension, example locations of this folder can be found below.

RDR2 Full
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client\Scripting
RDR2 Lite
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client (Lite)\Scripting

Assets Folder

This folder is where scripts may store any static content, example locations of this folder can be found below.

RDR2 Full
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client\Scripting\Assets
RDR2 Lite
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client (Lite)\Scripting\Assets

Packages Folder

This folder is where scripts may store any third-party libraries, example locations of this folder can be found below.

RDR2 Full
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client\Scripting\Packages
RDR2 Lite
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client (Lite)\Scripting\Packages

Workspace Folder

This folder is where scripts may store any temp/configuration files, example locations of this folder can be found below.

RDR2 Full
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client\Scripting\Workspace
RDR2 Lite
%AppData%\Exodus Client\Library\Red Dead Redemption 2\Client (Lite)\Scripting\Workspace